U004_Morgenstond Midden
The Hague, NetherlandsBy using the strategy ‘Urban Morphing’ it is possible to restructure and reactivate a neighbourhood of the 50’s and at the same time to avoid an urban ‘tabula rasa’ in the area.
The proposal evolves following three strategies that work on three scales:
A. ‘Urban morphing’
B. ‘U.E.T.’ (‘urban extruded typology’)
C. ‘Hybrid cluster’
‘Urban morphing’
‘Urban morphing’ seeks to achieve a continuous and gradual transformation of the city of the 50’s by using a strategy that wants to avoid the ‘tabula rasa’
This urban transformation will be developed according to four basic strategies:
Increasing of the urban typology variety
By using new urban typologies in the whole area a high degree of housing diversity and mix of functions will be achieved: apartments, lofts, single-family housing, semidetached housing, ‘living and working’ units and commercial, cultural and educational facilities.
Transformation of the urban morphology
The combination of new urban typologies within ‘urban clusters’ will create morphologically complex elements that will play in an intriguing way with the existing volumes. At the same time, these new volumes will act as new ‘landmarks’ that will give a new identity to the area due to their sculptural character.
Redefining the use of the public space
‘Urban Morphing’ proposes a redefinition of the public space on different scales, with different qualities and different management levels: from the public space to the private one and from the park or the collective green areas to the private garden or the private patio.
Establishing a new infrastruture with new parking solutions
‘Urban Morphing’ proposes the disappearance of almost all the cars from the streets by using semi buried parking areas directly connected to the dwellings.
The proposal mixes part of the existing urban tissue with new urban typologies, ‘U.E.T.’ (urban extruded typologies), that will be spread out along the whole area in order to achieve a new urban intensity within a sustainable process.
Within the frame of each urban type a basic ‘housing-unit’ will be defined, flexible enough to answer the demands of the future users and to be easily adapted to new needs and/or new users in the long term.
Diaphanous spaces, double orientated rooms and one single volume that will shelter all the services (kitchens, bathrooms, storages) are the elements that will be combined in different ways within the houses in order to offer the future user very different possible combinations and flexible layouts.
‘Hybrid clusters’
The combination of these new urban typologies in ‘hybrid clusters’ will give rise to morphologically complex elements with multiple possible combinations as well as a high diversity of open spaces.
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