Casanova+Hernandez architectsU029_Hiedanranta District | Casanova+Hernandez

U029_Hiedanranta District

Tampere, Finland

The proposal Hybrid City can be resumed in nine points:

Hybrid city: dense city+ nature + industrial past

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Hybrid city works as an “urban connector” articulated around a rich public space designed for linking citizens to nature and to the industrial heritage, but also for linking the inhabitants living in the different districts of the hybrid city among them.

Hybrid scale: articulated mix of city and village

Hybrid City proposes a multi-scale and articulated urban development formed by seven districts organized around the Industrial Historical Park and the Green Corridors. Each district is formed by a group of Hybrid Clusters articulated around the District’s Square, and each Hybrid Cluster is formed by joining several “housing groups” around the collective spaces.

This fractal organization of the space promotes a varied urban life organized around different types of open spaces: at large scale, these spaces promote the public life, at medium scale the neighborhood feeling, and at small scale, the feeling of community.

Hybrid identity: nature + urbanity + industrial heritage

Hybrid City is characterized by a hybrid identity that mixes, on the one hand, urbanity with nature thanks to a new sinuous and iconic lakefront that maximizes the views over the lake. On the other hand urbanity is mixed with the industrial heritage of the site symbolized by a Central Historical Industrial Park equipped with cultural, social and educational facilities.

Hybrid mobility: mix of transportation facilities

The plan proposes a hybrid mobility system that seeks to reduce the daily commuting by implementing living and working typologies to attract different professionals to live and work in the area. It also minimizes the use of private vehicles by offering other alternative transportation systems such as public tram, electric-car sharing center, and ten kilometers

of bicycle routes integrated in the green corridors.

Hybrid traffic system and parking solutions that integrate a large car-free zone

Hybrid City proposes a traffic system that mixes the conventional traffic scheme used in the surroundings of the site with a large car-free zone around the lake. To achieve that, the main traffic flow is placed at the urban border to avoid any traffic near the lake. Hybrid parking solutions (public-collective-private) combine underground parking integrated in the hybrid clusters with public street parking, a central park & ride, and bicycle parking pockets.

Functional mix: living+working+recreational

Hybrid City avoids the functional zoning and promotes the functional mix including living, working, commercial and recreative functions in every district and cluster. It creates an alive and balanced city with continuous and diverse urban activities during the whole day and the different days of the week.

Mix of housing typologies for different and new ways of living

The plan proposes 7 different housing typologies that attract different social groups and people of different ages to live in the neighborhood, promoting the social mix. These housing typologies are mixed with commercial and working facilities in Hybrid Clusters that achieve different density parameters.

Flexible phasing

The articulated structure of the plan, organized in independent units at different scales (districts, clusters and urban blocks) allows a clear and flexible phasing of the urban development and different ways of participation for private and public developers in large, medium and small urban developments.

Hybrid environmental sustainability mixing nature and technology

Urban and landscape design aims to improve the living comfort by reducing noise, pollution and wind, while protecting the ecosystem and controlling the rainwater with green corridors with drainage passages. Hybrid City plans a new geothermal power plant that could lead to the complete production of renewable energy by 2035. Hybrid City is planned as a Smart City that integrates technology to save energy, optimize parking and reduce traffic.

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Municipality of Tampere
Masterplan: Residential (GFA: 800.000-1.000.000 m2 ), Commercial (GFA: 300.000-400.000 m2) and Offices, Inclusion of Protected Historical Industrial Existing Buildings
Competition. Honourable mention
246 Ha