A035_Congress Center and Hotel
Palma de Mallorca, SpainThe MAR-CEL-CIUTAT proposal seeks in first instance to be an urban tool, able to bind together the city with its restored sea front area.
The proposal is conceived as a big “spatial lattice”, which allows access both, from Joan Maragall Street and from the littoral boulevard.
Relation palau-sea
The Congress Centre is physically linked to the sea front through commercial spaces and entries on ground floor. It is also visually connected with the sea by means of viewpoints and terraces located on circulation spaces and rest areas on different levels, as well as by the terraces of the café-restaurant.
Big windows located on the Auditoriums’ stages also guarantee a direct visual connection with the sea.
Relation palau-city
The longitudinal connection axis that runs along the Congress Centre and Hotel offers a sequence of
The building
Both, Congress Centre and Hotel are characterized by a wall element that alternates blind parts, where uses that need maximum concentration and isolation (auditoriums, all purpose rooms and exhibition rooms) are located, with more open to the landscape parts, where uses related to the spare time between working sessions take place (relax areas, circulations, café, restaurant…).
The building is protected by a continuous lattice-skin that, depending on its location in the building, presents a different degree of transparency in order to regulate the light in the interior, whether it comes from the south (sea), the north (city), above (sky), or when complete darkness is required.
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