L051_Interactive Ecopark
Buenos Aires, Argentina
L073_Albania Park
Durres, Albania
L011_ Lausanne Jardins
Lausanne, Switzerland
L069_Radbahn Cultural Network
Berlin, Germany
L068_Icarus suspended Viewing Platform
Shkodra, Albania
L061_Mountain Gate Viewing Platform
Shkodra, Albania
L060_Harbour at Shkodra Lake
Shkodra, Albania
L019_The Green Room
Rotterdam, Netherlands
L059_Nature Observatory of Shkodra Lake
Shkodra, Albania
L055_Shaqary Square
Shkodra, Albania
L050_Lineal Park
Mexico City, Mexico
L044_Public Space Acupuncture Ipojuca
Sao Paulo, Brazil
L025_Marktplein and Waterfront
Harelbeke, BelgiumL021_Voetballerstraat Public Space
Boom, Belgium
L014_Monochrome Urban Gardens
Madrid, SpainL010_Schuytgraaf-field 2a. Public Space
Arnhem, Netherlands
L008_Orestad Public Space
Copenhagen, Denmark