L006_Mezaparks Park_Riga
Riga, LatviaMeza-symbiosis is a strategy that works on different scales and aspects of the development process.
The proposal looks for the valuable elements of the area and isolates and analyses the problems of the zone. It proposes a complementary net of elements in order to create a symbiotic and more complex urban context.
This strategy can be applied on different levels of intervention, from the urban planning aspects, ecological sustainability, financial terms, functional aspects and activities, etc. till the smaller architectural design aspects.
The symbiotic process is develop according to four aspects:
Existing nature: Meza-park has the origin of its name and the most important potential value in the forest.
The starting point of the proposal is to accept that this potential of the area should be kept intact.
The proposal seeks to find the symbiotic elements in order to create a more complete, functional and sustainable area.
Infrastructures: The existing accesses and routes that are adequate for the area are preserved and improved by the creation of new accesses and infrastructure nets.
The routes are diversified and designed for different groups of users such as pedestrians, bicycles, horses, etc. Sometimes these nets run isolated and sometimes they run together in ‘symbiotic-infrastructures’ that allow the contact among the different groups of users.
Facilities: Some of the existing facilities are preserved and complemented by others that will create a new attraction zone for the entire city. The facilities that are currently used only at certain hours of the day or periods of the year are complemented by new activities that will allow a more sustainable development of the area.
New activities will act as magnetic for the park and more visitors will be able of enjoying it during the year.
Landmarks: Some current interesting elements of the park are preserved and revitalized.
The song festival music auditorium is converted into a new landmark of the city from which the national identity of Latvia will be reinforced.
A new removable structure will be added as flexible roof in order to allow events to take place in the building along the year.
Concert-theater-festival museum: this is a new hybrid building made up of two architectural elements: one massive wooden volume and one glazed light volume.
The wooden element is linked to the verticality of the trunks of the trees in the forest and also to the timber construction tradition of Latvia.
The Glazed volume is linked to the optimism of the future of the country and its rapid development.
Latvian children city: new leisure area for the children will be added.
Sport center: the existing facility for horses will be improved and complemented by other sport areas.
These four landmarks will work as generators of activity in the area and will revitalize the entire zone by stressing the identity of the Meza Park that will become an icon of the city and of the Latvian spirit.
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